Looking back on history and looking to the future
Release Date:2003-10-25
Source:Jin Huaping

On August 8, Rifa Holding Group celebrated its tenth anniversary of the factory, and all employees were immersed in a festive atmosphere. At 8:18 in the morning, in the new plant of the Zili Machinery Factory of the "Rifa Digital Technology Park", Mr. Wu Liangding, the founder of Rifa Holding Group, Wu Jie, the President of the Group, Chen Ailian, the President of Wanfeng Auto Group, and Shi Qizhong, the old leader of Rifa Group , Yu Shaohuai, Wang Wenlin, Shi Jifang, Shen Di, as well as the main leaders and all employees of Rifa Group gathered together to kick off the tenth anniversary celebration with the singing of the song of the wild horse.   Group President Wu Jie made a speech on "Renovating the old and creating new achievements" at the celebration. He said: We are here to hold a simple internal celebration ceremony to commemorate this day of special significance for all Rifa people. In his speech, he reviewed the diligence and brilliance of Rifa’s quiet work and harvest in the past ten years. At the same time, he encouraged the down-to-earth Rifa people to practice the vision of "agile international company" in the future global economic tide. Rifa has become the pride and constant contribution of China's national industry. Mr. Wu Liangding, the founder of    Group, delivered a speech for the celebration, affirming Rifa’s "Ten Years of Brilliant" achievements and expressing confidence and wishes for the future development of Rifa. Representatives of the general manager of the subsidiary, Yu Haiyun and Wang Benshan, also delivered speeches for the celebration, expressing the gratification of the business leaders to Rifa's ten-year achievements and their prospects for the bright future of Rifa. The old leaders of Rifa, they once dedicated their youth and sweat for Rifa. Although they have now withdrawn from management, they are always concerned about Rifa’s growth. On such a happy day, the representative of the old leader Yu Shaohuai The husband sent their blessings and hopes with excitement. At the same time, the company's outstanding employee representative Yu Jingqiao, on behalf of all employees, thanked Rifa for training, and expressed his deep feelings for Rifa and the pride and pride of being a Rifa person.   In the sound of blessings, President Wu Jie presented the "Lifetime Achievement Award" to the founder of the company, Mr. Wu Liangding, and thanked Mr. Wu Liangding for his concern and support for Rifa over the past ten years, which gave Rifa the opportunity to achieve such brilliant achievements.   With the sound of the salute, the celebration ends and the knowledge contest begins. Rifa Textile Machinery, Rifa Spinning, Rifa Digital, Group Directly-affiliated Departments, Shanghai Rifa and Zili Machinery Factory respectively sent representative teams to participate in this knowledge contest. The main content of the competition is the memorabilia of Rifa over the past ten years, allowing all employees to review the ten-year history of Rifa. All employees have a lively atmosphere and actively participate. At the same time, in the course of the competition, special guests and the company's main leaders presented awards to the winning employees such as the Outstanding Contribution Award, Technical Contribution Award, Outstanding Employee Award, Outstanding Foreign Talent Introduction Award, and Best Sales Award.   Although due to the limitations of the existing conditions in the park, all the celebration activities are simple, but simple and warm. The holding of this celebration in the new plant of Rifa Digital Technology Park symbolizes the new starting point of the new Rifa. Rifa is like the rising sun, ready to go. We believe that Rifa will use the Digital Technology Park as its base to create another miracle in the new economic wave.